A kid named Matt Kipp from Pennsylvania was trying to go out with my friend Briana Deacon
you are a fuckin idiot to try to go out with my baby Briana Deacon...get a life loser
Matt Kipp
yeh what ever
ll talk to urt baby all i want
its not gonna hurt meh any
so how about u get a fucken life
ow and itch
if u too r datin than how come she said the she is single
looks like u an dher r no more so jjust fuck off
or else bitch
well first of all you cock sucking, cum slurping, pathetic son of a bitch...you are UGLY AS FUCK AND FAT ASS HELL and face it you wont go out with her...she s is my baby as in my favorite homie...yea she is single so what you still got no chance of going out with her...so what if you are in the pussy ass basket ball team...you are the fat fucker in the team and i bet your ass is in the bench cause you fuckin suck balls in basket ball...YOU ARE A FUCKIN MISTAKE...your dad was fuckin too drunk to put on a condom and then thay had your sorry ass...
by this time i bet she denied you and said no to your fat ass
you are so pathetic you should kill you self...no wait that would cause too much happiness so you should resume your pathetic life...
just look at me iam hot and you are ugly...Briana knows what she wants...and she wants me okay...GET OVER IT...LOSER
Matt Kipp
go fuck ur dad already
i am not the bench warmer on the team hell no iur ass in
i am the leading point gurad and when it comes to basketball i can fuck school ur ass meh and the teamnwould fuck mop the floor with ur ass so
i suggest u shut the hell up be4 u say the wrong thing ass whole cause meh and the team hell only meh could kick ur fucken ass
and yeh ur not u r posted on the 10 most uglest list as the uglyiest bitch sp shut the fuck up be4 i fucken take a fucken gun to ur ass than we will see who has the last lauphs ass whole
go ahead you fat fuckin tub of shit...hey fat ass can you do the Truffle Shuffle for me?...you fat ass dick slurping bitch...lmfao...you and your team sucks balls and i would like to see your team kick my ass...what grade you in 6th grade?...get the fuck out of my face with that shit...
evan thou iam in the ugly list i don't give a fuck...cause i can look at your sorry ass and say "DAMN i least i don't look like that guy"
and learn how to type you lazy sack of shit...i cant understand half of the shit you write...i mean seriously at least try to burn some extra calories...and stop lying about what position you play cause i bet no one even passes the ball to you...cause you is too FAT...you don't even lift weight's
you fat fucker...you be lifting those SNICKER CANDY BARS.....LMFAO...
i bet your momma is so fat when she try to get in the bath tub, tha water jumps and says "you first"
you are so fat you got on a scale and it said "HOLY SHIT GET THE FUCK OFF ME YOU FAT SON OF A BITCH"
go fuck yourself
go fuck your mom
go fuck your dad
go fuck your sister
go fuck your friends...oh wait you don't have any real friends cause thay all feel sorry for your fat ass
go fuck your SHITY basketball team
go fuck your grandma's dusty pussy
go fuck your grandpa's wrinkled dick
go fuck your DEAD FAMILY MEMBERS!!!!
sigh up for wight watcher's too..
here is a pic of the pathetic loser Matt Kipp