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    What iam i you say? iam a brony

    Age 31, Male

    Care Taker

    Benton Arkansas

    Joined on 9/26/08

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    royalsaint117's News

    Posted by royalsaint117 - September 9th, 2011

    iam gonna post some of my facebook album photos here for everyone to enjoy.

    Random photos of me friends and family

    my drawings!

    a photo tour of the house

    last but not least photos of me when i was a baby and a kid

    enjoy oh and just a little fun fact: i was 13 pounds when i was born, my mom called me sumo baby! lol

    Posted by royalsaint117 - August 8th, 2011

    i love my Finn hat <3 available now at Hastings for 16$

    for those of you who dont know who Finn is here is a link to the cartoon show logo
    http://images4.fanpop.com/image/photos /23300000/adventure-time-adventure-tim e-new-club-23307756-1280-1024.png

    and here is the opening theme of the show Adventure time!

    wat time is it? ADVENTURE TIME!!!!!


    Posted by royalsaint117 - May 16th, 2011

    /* */

    Posted by royalsaint117 - May 7th, 2011

    Posted by royalsaint117 - October 2nd, 2010

    here are my drawings that i have made so far. most of them are doodles. i drew them during class LOL http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=

    Posted by royalsaint117 - September 16th, 2010

    new post is new

    Posted by royalsaint117 - October 31st, 2009

    /* */
    Just stop enough of the limitless critical comments on my life
    Just drop the judgement and all of your pseudo-involvement in my life
    Step back a moment, and look at the miracle started in our life
    Don't stop the moment, and let the incredible happen knowing that

    All that you want is to criticize
    Something for nothing
    And all that I want is forgiveness one more time
    To be the best in the world


    Just stop with all of your little deliberate problems with my life
    Enough of all of the crippling terrible pain we feel inside
    Step back a moment, remember how the miracle started in our life
    Take back the torment; I wont be enjoying this moment knowing that

    All that you want is to criticize
    Something for nothing
    And all that I want is forgiveness one more time
    I know that
    All that we want is to feel inside
    Some kind of comfort
    And all that we've done
    We cant hide
    We'll be the best in the world

    All I ever wanted was to be a real source of compassion
    For the moment that we find ourselves drowning in
    All I ever wanted was to be a real source of compassion
    For the moment that we find ourselves drowning in

    All that you want is to criticize
    Something for nothing
    And all that I want is forgiveness one more time
    I know that
    All that we want is to feel inside
    Some kind of comfort
    And all that we've done
    We cant hide
    We'll be the best in the world
    We'll be the best in the world
    Just stop enough of the limitless critical comments on my life
    Just drop the judgement and all of your pseudo-involvement in my life

    Link to the youtube video

    Just Stop by Disturbed

    Posted by royalsaint117 - October 25th, 2009

    what happens when you die?
    your soul goes to heaven or hell right?

    WRONG!!!!,the bible never said anything about your soul going anywhere but only your spirit.
    soul and spirit are two different things,

    remember the three things that everyone is made up of
    1.body: the body is your psychical form, the way you look and how other see you as a human

    2.soul: the soul is who you are and what makes you, you. your personality.

    3.spirit: but the spirit is unique and indescribable and their are no words to describe your spirit or describe what your spirit is. only your spirit can go to heaven or hell not your soul.

    i think ghosts are souls...looking to find a new life...next time look at a stray dog think...what if that tray dog was once a human. or a soul that found life..what do you think?

    just because the bible doesn't say anything about reincarnation doesn't mean its not true or fails...
    like i said before the bible always talks about the spirit but not the soul...


    Posted by royalsaint117 - September 13th, 2009

    Let The Bodies Hit The Floor-by Drowning Pool

    /* */

    Music That Everyone Enjoys

    Posted by royalsaint117 - June 18th, 2009

    A kid named Matt Kipp from Pennsylvania was trying to go out with my friend Briana Deacon

    you are a fuckin idiot to try to go out with my baby Briana Deacon...get a life loser

    Matt Kipp
    yeh what ever
    ll talk to urt baby all i want
    its not gonna hurt meh any
    so how about u get a fucken life
    ow and itch
    if u too r datin than how come she said the she is single
    looks like u an dher r no more so jjust fuck off
    or else bitch

    well first of all you cock sucking, cum slurping, pathetic son of a bitch...you are UGLY AS FUCK AND FAT ASS HELL and face it you wont go out with her...she s is my baby as in my favorite homie...yea she is single so what you still got no chance of going out with her...so what if you are in the pussy ass basket ball team...you are the fat fucker in the team and i bet your ass is in the bench cause you fuckin suck balls in basket ball...YOU ARE A FUCKIN MISTAKE...your dad was fuckin too drunk to put on a condom and then thay had your sorry ass...

    by this time i bet she denied you and said no to your fat ass
    you are so pathetic you should kill you self...no wait that would cause too much happiness so you should resume your pathetic life...

    just look at me iam hot and you are ugly...Briana knows what she wants...and she wants me okay...GET OVER IT...LOSER

    Matt Kipp
    go fuck ur dad already
    i am not the bench warmer on the team hell no iur ass in
    i am the leading point gurad and when it comes to basketball i can fuck school ur ass meh and the teamnwould fuck mop the floor with ur ass so
    i suggest u shut the hell up be4 u say the wrong thing ass whole cause meh and the team hell only meh could kick ur fucken ass
    and yeh ur not u r posted on the 10 most uglest list as the uglyiest bitch sp shut the fuck up be4 i fucken take a fucken gun to ur ass than we will see who has the last lauphs ass whole

    go ahead you fat fuckin tub of shit...hey fat ass can you do the Truffle Shuffle for me?...you fat ass dick slurping bitch...lmfao...you and your team sucks balls and i would like to see your team kick my ass...what grade you in 6th grade?...get the fuck out of my face with that shit...

    evan thou iam in the ugly list i don't give a fuck...cause i can look at your sorry ass and say "DAMN i least i don't look like that guy"
    and learn how to type you lazy sack of shit...i cant understand half of the shit you write...i mean seriously at least try to burn some extra calories...and stop lying about what position you play cause i bet no one even passes the ball to you...cause you is too FAT...you don't even lift weight's
    you fat fucker...you be lifting those SNICKER CANDY BARS.....LMFAO...

    i bet your momma is so fat when she try to get in the bath tub, tha water jumps and says "you first"

    you are so fat you got on a scale and it said "HOLY SHIT GET THE FUCK OFF ME YOU FAT SON OF A BITCH"


    go fuck yourself
    go fuck your mom
    go fuck your dad
    go fuck your sister
    go fuck your friends...oh wait you don't have any real friends cause thay all feel sorry for your fat ass
    go fuck your SHITY basketball team
    go fuck your grandma's dusty pussy
    go fuck your grandpa's wrinkled dick
    go fuck your DEAD FAMILY MEMBERS!!!!
    sigh up for wight watcher's too..

    here is a pic of the pathetic loser Matt Kipp

    pissing off a fat kid