i love my Finn hat <3 available now at Hastings for 16$
for those of you who dont know who Finn is here is a link to the cartoon show logo
http://images4.fanpop.com/image/photos /23300000/adventure-time-adventure-tim e-new-club-23307756-1280-1024.png
and here is the opening theme of the show Adventure time!
I thought they had them at Hot Topic? Anyway, besides the old Cartoon Network I <3 Adventure Time.
i went to two malls here in arkansas Park Plaza and McCain Mall.
Park Plaza has a Spencers and they didnt have this hat
McCain Mall has both Spencers and Hot Topic and they did not have this hat.
not even the Cartoon Network webste hat this hat for sale only Hastings has them but not all of them, the one here in Arkansas had it and there was only but one hat